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Zum Roten Engel – fresh after work beer by sunny days

View of the front window, to the right the entrance to this small alternative café

I felt like posting a little contribution in honor of an alternative place (it’s self-managed) which to me is really nice to have a fresh afterwork beer with some colleagues or friends. Specially so when the weather is on your side, because they have one of Basels nicest terrasses in a small plaza right off one of the bigger shopping streets in the old city (Grossbasel).

Zum Roten Engel serves great refreshing Appenzeller Bier, and for those who, in a more english style, prefer afterwork tea they have a great choice of home-made tea mixes to choose from. Their coffee is also good, which unfortunately is not the rule in swiss-german cities – but hey, here, there’s nothing to worry about. If you have the munchies, they also sell a small range of home-made baked goods (such as muffins and fruit pies), bread & cheese or bread & sausage on a wooden plate, bircher mueslix, and some dessert type of things. Great to fend off that nagging hunger that wants you to leave and go home to have dinner, usually right at that moment when the discussion started to get intense.

Larger view of the “Roten Engel” – the red angel

When the weather gets a little more fresh as the evening progresses and your afterwork beers have turned into long friendly discussions about life and the future of human civilization or at the very least society, then you’ll be able to wrap your legs in nice red blankets that Zum Roten Engel will provide. During the summer, if you are lucky, you might see a performer doing some artsy mime work or just some static performance, or even enjoy the occasional young traveling music band.

Prices are fair, the staff is nice, and it’s a self-service so whenever you feel like getting something more, there’s won’t be any waiting, just drop by the counter and get whatever you fancy!


Café zum Roten Engel – Andreasplatz 15, 4051 Basel, Switzerland