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Monthly Archives: August 2013

Mapping Anti-Gay Laws around the world

Recently the newsfeed website ‘BuzzFeed‘ published on its LGBT portal a map of the world highlighting all the countries that have laws aimed against LGBT persons. They also listed some of these laws and detailed them, including what type of punishments they recommend. Here’s their map and the direct link to their article.

What am I watching (on the web) ?

So TV has become this thing where advertisement clips are being shown and sometimes they’re interrupted by a program or by the news, right? So, I had to turn my attention to TV on the web, where the publicity is either before the program and usually lasts only 1-2 minutes, or is on the side of the window, where it doesn’t disturb my viewers’ experience too much. Good. Now to the topic of this post, what do I watch?

Currently I like to watch things that make me laugh and I found that watching some of the presenters of Hollywood Movie Awards ceremonies does make me laugh. Plus, these are usually people I’ve seen in movies and seeing them being more natural, not playing a role, also makes for an entertaining moment.

So here are a few picks to give you some inspiration what to look for on youtube:

Robin Williams kicks off the AFI Life Achievement Awards ceremony for Al Pacino 

Steve Martin kicks off the AFI Life Achievement Awards ceremony for Tom Hanks

Billy Crystal kicks off the AFI Life Achievement Awards ceremony for Robert De Niro

Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin open the 82nd Academy Awards (a.k.a. the Oscars)

Ricky Gervais hosts the 2012 Golden Globe Awards

I hope these five clips entertained you, if this is the case you’ll find plenty more to watch on youtube.