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The american pastor who worked on spreading anti-gay hate in Russia and Uganda

Mittagessen im E9

Mittagessen im E96 November 2015
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Yesterday the website of ‘The New Yorker‘ published a brief news blog article about the work of American pastor Scott Lively and the small success Ugandan LGBT rights activists recently had when the U.S. justice ruled against Mr. Lively’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit that the Ugandan activists filed in the U.S. against him. Lively is known for his anti-gay activism. He co-authored  the mendacious (according to scholars) book “The Pink Swastika“, a book about the role of homosexuals in the Nazi Party (Excerpt from the preface of the book’s 4th Edition: “[…] homosexuals as the true inventors of Nazism and the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities.”). He is also known for his involvement  in the “ex-gay movement” and founded the religious group “Abiding Truth Ministries“, a group considered by the nonprofit civil rights organization Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.
In the blog article, The New Yorker mention Mr. Lively’s known involvement, by means of advocacy tours through Russian cities and letters addressed to russian officials,  in passing of anti-gay bills in many Russian cities and his probable contribution to Russia’s recent law against LGBT “propaganda”.
A short contribution to bring to mind the pernicious advocacy of hate by certain individuals, operating not only in their own country but abroad, wherever they feel their discourse will resonate best. As a reminder, if the laws resulting from Mr. Lively’s and others’ hate advocacy in Uganda are passed, this will mean government enforced killing or life imprisonment of LGBT persons in Uganda (read about the ‘Kill the Gays’ bill here, here and here)

Other articles about Mr. Lively’s public statements: Right to sodomy is destroying human rights, Noah’s Flood caused by songs for homosexual weddings, Scott Lively pushes claim that Obama is gay.

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