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Monthly Archives: April 2013

Öffentliche Probevorträge Berufungsverfahren Professur Neues Testament

Öffentliche Probevorträge Berufungsverfahren Professur Neues Testament

Nun gilt es also ernst: an den folgenden beiden Tagen finden die Öffentlichen Probevorträge Berufungsverfahren Professur Neues Testament an der Theologischen Fakultät Basel am Nadelberg 10 statt. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen. Der erste Vortrag startet morgen Montag um 8 Uhr, der letzte Dienstag um 10 Uhr.

Ich bin echt gespannt darauf, wie so  ein “Massenvorstellungsgespräch” im Akkord von sich geht – denn nichts anderes ist es. Die KandidatInnen zeigen in Vorlesung, Diskussion, Miniseminar und Kommissionsgespräch ihr fachliches, didaktisches, menschliches Bestes mit dem Ziel eine Berufung auf den Lehrstuhl für Neues Testament in Basel zu erhalten. Nun zeigt sich, bei wem die Erwähnung des Forschungsschwerpunktes hellenistisches Judentum nur heisse Luft war oder wirklich was drauf hat. Neben dem Fachlichen muss die grosse Frage beantwortet werden: was ist denn nun wichtiger, Swissness oder Gender? Lieber reformierter Schweizer oder (lutheranisch) deutsche Frau? Wir werden es sehen. Ich jedenfalls werde einige Liter Kaffee runterspülen und das ein- oder andere Gipfeli zum Aufsaugen. Mazel tof!

San Jeronimo Norte: Una colonia suiza en Argentina oder “Was geschieht wenn man Walliserdeutsch und Argentinisch mischt?”

In Argentinien befindet sich die grösste Schweizer Auswandererkolonie von ganz Südamerika. Dies sei dank der vielen Walliser Bürger, welche vor Jahrzehnten über den grossen Deich hinweg sich in San Jeronimo norte, Argentinien, niederliessen.

Im Dok “Auf in die Pampa – Auf den Spuren von Walliser Auswanderer” wird interessant aufgezeigt, dass nach etlichen Jahrzehnten, in welchen bereits mehrere Generationen aufwuchsen, stets immer noch Bezüge zur Heimat Wallis bestehen. Interessant ist, wie die kulturellen Gepflogenheiten mit den Spanischen Traditionen sich vermischt haben und der Bevölkerung ein sehr speziellen Charme geben.

Bei meinem nächsten Besuch in Argentinien, der hoffentlich in der nahen Zukunft sein wird, wird San Jeronimo Norte im Reiseplan berücksichtigt werden.

Hier noch der Link zum Dok-Video, welches ich euch nur empfehlen darf.

Dok Auf in die Pampa: Auf den Spuren von Walliser Auswanderern

Zudem auch ein Text im Beobachter mit interessanten Interviews:

Beobachter San Jeronimo Norte

Next QUB event: eating out @ Namamen

Hey y’all,

this Thursday all the little QUBlettes, QUBlers and QUBloids will meet for a nice japanese upper-level fast-food dinner at Namamen-Japanese-Ramenbar on Steinenberg in Basel. The place is a nice and baselfriendly ramen bar as you can read in our short report about it. The idea of our meeting this week is very simple, dining out for a reasonable price and socializing! The proposed topic of the evening is Japan, which is why we’ll eat at a japanese ramen bar and exchange our experiences about japanese culture and life (including what we know of the japanese LGBTIQ culture and life) but no restrictions apply so let your discussion creativity run free and enjoy the socializing!

Here are two menu plans (1 & 2) of the stuff you’ll be able to eat and there’s the website of the venue.
If you haven’t got your bearings in Basel yet, here’s a map to get there.

We’ll meet at 19:00 directly at Namamen, Steinenberg 1, 4051 Basel. Unfortunately they are not able to reserve tables for us, so if you want to be sure to be able to sit with us try to be there on time, or at the very least to announce that you’ll be late so we can put a bag or coat on one more chair to save you a seat. To contact us see on our Facebook page or via email at: qub@gmx.ch, or if you know someone who’s definitely gonna be on time more personally in the group then why not send that person an sms?!

Politics in New Zealand or how to best bring across the ‘LGBT Marriage’ bill using humour and critical thinking

Thanks to the Richard Dawkins Foundation for reason and science I saw this great piece of political argumentation in favor of LGBT Marriage at the New Zealand Parliament in my Facebook news feed. I felt I had to share, so here it is:

Namamen-Japanese-Ramenbar, japanese quality fast-food culture

As the good paradoxal thinker that I am I decided, in the very week of the opening of the new Namamen in Basel (the second to date) in the new “event hall” of the Basel Messe, to write a report about the original Basel Namamen Ramenbar. It is located between Barfüsserplatz and Bankverein in the center of Basel. If you have never been there, and also if you’ve been there, it’s definitely a must-go place. A friendly staff of young cooks and waiters will group-great you as soon as you pass the door, a funny habit giving me every time a little warmy feeling in my tummy, and an awkward smile on my face. :-)

Once in, the nice modern, yet japanese influenced lounge-style of this Ramenbar will certainly please you. You may choose to sit at the counter, looking at the cooks at work while enjoying your food, or if you prefer go and sit at a table for a more intimate experience with you partner or friends. Service is usually really fast, as soon as you’ve been seated you can choose your menu and order. The kitchen is really fast too, so within minutes of your ordering you’ll have your big bowl of Ramen noodles in front of you, ready to be enjoyed. ramen_vegi Ah yes, I have forgotten to mention this before: Namamen is a Ramenbar (the name says it all, Namamen means fresh noodles), which means that their specialty is Ramen. Ramen are japanese noodles (even though they were first invented in China and then brought to Japan, but as it seems historians have a bit of a debate over the exact facts and also the origin of the name) served dipped in a big bowl of broth. At Namamen you have the choice between three different broths (Soja, Miso oder Shio) and three types of noodles (Ramen, Udon oder Soba). Once you have chosen these two main ingredients you still need to finalize your dish by choosing additional ingredients such as seafood, gyoza, squid, chashu, beef, chicken, vegetables, egg, and more.ramen_poulet A series of side dishes are also available to complement your dining experience, such as a few sushi and a few different skewers. Unless you are a very sporty dude or some eating champion or really really hungry I don’t think you’re gonna need a side dish because the noodle soups are big, especially if like me you still follow what your mama told you as a kid and always finish the whole soup including drinking all the broth. But that’s actually a good thing, because it makes the price worth it. Not only do they make really good and healthy food, but also one can really eat at one’s fill at Namamen.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this small report Namamen have been so successfull with their two first restaurants (Basel and Bern) that they are opening a third one in Basel in the new event hall designed by the Basel architects Herzog & de Meuron. I am really looking forward to go and check it out!
