Queer University Basel

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Yearly Archives: 2013

Canadian Man Organizes a Flash Mob to Propose to his Beloved

Merry X-mas!

Ho-ho-ho… mo! ;-P

Dear QUBlettes, QUBlers, QUBloïds, QUBits, QUBosaurs & friends,

we would like to wish you a merry and gay christmas, full of joy and happiness. Hopefully in family, with your loved ones, and friends, and in the warmth of their unconditional love.

Best wishes,

your QUB comittee397173_10150561676174050_127101449049_11124985_2049353418_n

The Marriage Proposal that Went Viral Across the World

I don’t know how we’ve missed posting this one earlier this year as the video started to become viral on internet. Well there it is now!

“Gentlemen against Homophobia”, a campaign against russian homophobia by GQ Deutschland

Making of of the campaign “Gentlemen against homophobia” that was started by GQ Deutschland. In this campaign various heterosexual male celebrities pose kissing each other to denounce the homophobia promoted by the russian government in russia but also around the Olympic Games in Sochi.

No QUB event tonight (10.12.2013)

Liebe QUBs, aus unvorhersehbaren Gründen müssen wir leider den heutigen Event (10.12.2013, QUB potluck dinner) kurzfristig absagen. Es tut uns leid und wir werden schauen, dass dieses Event im nächsten Semester nachgeholt wird!

Wir bedanken uns für Euer Verständnis und freuen uns auf das nächste Wiedersehen!

Euer QUB-Vorstand